Does anyone get cat allergy shots? - cat allergy shots
I asked my doctor the last time I was and I was not satisfied with their response. He said: "Do not remove the allergen.
Well, cats housed.
I take Zyrtec allergy and the use of Alaway eye drops, so that I, before the cat has. (I use a few drops in the eye, so far)
We welcome suggestions for living with cats and allergies.
How often did you get? How? Is it time to work "without having to continue to receive?
The momentum of my eyes ... actually go, if I'm careful, always wash hands after contact with Kitty. (I had my hands) for at least 6 times per day
I have no problem with sneezing and congestion is low.
I like playing with my cat more than me if not for the allergies too. And often I can say that he wants to play more than me.
Do not let your Allergy to Pets > Get between you and your Pet.
A visit to your Primary Care Dr. for an Insurance covered Enviro Allergy Blood Draw / Test > Will Test you for the most common Seasonal & Year-round allergens ( CAT included ) specific to your Geo-Region.
Then your Dr can prescribe your Drug Free > Immuno-=Allergy DROPs ( Think SHOTs But No Ouch ) >Which are Custom Formulated to Neutralize What YOU Are Allergic To !
Following your Allergy Blood Test > The fisrt 6 Months are FREE > Just to prove to you that they work.
Keep YOUR PET > Say NO to your Allergies.
Best Health = Wealth Regards,
I Feel Your Pain - I have a severe allergy to cat and cat loves to climb on me and throw them like crazy!
My allergist told me I could not be vaccinated, because I have a cat. This makes sense, because the shots will help you build a tolerance over time. However, it is exposed to a cat at home and more of the allergens that your system can handle. I am on a combination of prescription drugs that you live with cats.
The following links you can do some things so simple it. I do not do anything. The important things are (1) Vacuum often (2) the cat out of his room for a place thats kept free of allergy and the system has cleaned a little free time, and (3) with something like Allerpet or damp cloth to to reduce the amount of cat allergens, which are distributed primarily to.
Good luck!
Good for you!
Some people do not know what love is.
Help is here for you too:)
Buy an air purifier, there will be many allergens in the air
There is also a spreading of allergy in the market for use in air conditioning filters.
Blush your cat every day near his house, only takes a few minutes. And, of course, take your medicine for allergies. The good news is that only come with time, the allergy can be overcome, I did.
Good luck, enjoy your cat and have a wonderful new year!
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